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Sunday, March 28, 2010


To the readers,

Welcome everyone!! Hope you will take a few moments and check out Timothy's work. They are listed on the side under the Pages heading. Please post all comments here on the main page. Comments on the separate pages is not working at this time. You can also e-mail comments to Timothy at or in the event you have problems posting on here. There is an e-mail link next to comments on each blog for your convenience.

Thank you.

Friday, March 26, 2010




Currently your spirit resides on the ethereal plane

This is fine, because that is where you will find the Express Train of Hidden Flame… It has my name on it--I call it the Phoenix, and you are welcome to board; you only need leave your own name with the advocate of the train, who requests that you leave your inhibitions and prejudice outside in the station… If you find any treasures while on board the train, feel free to share with someone who cares for you...

I hope that you enjoy my work… Timothy Goodwin aka; Earle Blessing…

Your kindness and grace I will humbly embrace…*~T~*

And for all you midnight riders and fliers...I offer you the Darkness and the stars...and...if you want to read something that will chill your bones, I give you "Darkness Within" and "Darkness Beyond"...It's alright if they give you a fright; you can always cuddle with friend. Nearly a paradigm of horror, which is a tall order, but then I will leave you to decide their integrity and merit...*~T~*

And for all you who inspired positive imagery--those that stood by me in the sunshine and rain--that brought your smiles that saw me through heartache and pain, to me you will always be the Salt of the Earth
--The very Best faithfully...
Your kindness and grace I will always embrace...*~T~*

"Daz3d Art Application": click here^V~


A simple compliment to all the artists, writers, philosophers, and others that have reached me with their craft, their heart, and their art; you are the music in my song, and have colored my world with your magic. I hope that in some way I have done the same for you, that you have done for me, as you have made me a little richer from having crossed your path. May others see your work and perceive it with the same majesty that I have, and in turn, make the world a better place for it…

Yours Truly,

Timothy Goodwin AKA Earle Blessing

Timothy has proposed a unique solution to a problem that has become a pandemic in our communities and cities. His dream is not an ethereal one, but one that is grounded in reality and has clearly defined parameters and goals. Those who, for whatever reason, have been reduced to poverty would be enabled to crawl out of that hole, which must seem to many like an abyss of despair...and make their way to "Illumination House," where they can find not only a temporary haven but a place where they will discover ways to rouse those sleeping Giants that lie within all of us. Through meaningful activities and optional religious services each man and woman can either awaken latent skills or create previously undiscovered ones -- skills that can be used to set them on their way to finding themselves; for, in finding themselves, they may become even better members of society than those who earned their degrees at some prestigious college or university.

Stephen Clothier


Timothy Goodwin Written by:

The project begins with the construction of the finest homeless shelter in the country—”Illumination House“-one that would be a model for a chain of homeless shelters across the nation. The construction of the shelter would involve those individuals who are already homeless but have skills of general laborers and/or contractors.

The project would be overseen by a contractor who would have a supervisor to see to the operation and organization of the laborers. Laborers would be paid the same wage as any other laborer with the same experience.

The shelter would consist of sixty rooms—much like a hotel, and like a hotel would have running water in each room. Fifty-five rooms would be used to house the homeless; the other five rooms would be for staff members and security. There would be a meeting hall—where people would meet once a week so that staff and homeless members could go over their daily progress that is conditioned to getting the homeless into homes of their own.

There would be an activity hall. A laundry facility; and each person would be given clean socks, underwear, and products for personal hygiene, once a week--as needed, along with a gratuity check of $25.00 every week.

There would be a kitchen and dining facility. And there would be a chapel—however, those that are to be brought in to speak, would first be evaluated by the Director to determine if the message is going to be encouraging, or discouraging to those homeless members. I lean more toward the Unitarian Universalists, rather than the Fundamentalists; they would not be allowed to preach in the shelter—I don’t care how much fire and brimstone they use…

There would be work-programs available, and programs that teach Computer Jobs Training, Construction, Small Engine Repair, and Financing.

There would also be a program for people to encourage further education, and the opportunity to get GED.
The idea here is not to try and keep the shelter full, but to find ways to encourage those individuals that are homeless from breaking the cycle of their current condition, so as to allow others to do the same.
Those who enter the shelter would be recognized to be on a 90-day program—30 days of which would be probationary. If people are genuinely interested in getting back on their feet, they would have no problem with the program. Substance abuse of course would not be tolerated, and would be grounds for immediate eviction, as would be fighting, or carrying weapons.
Now I realize that some people are homeless because they choose to be. In which case "Illumination House" would not be for them; however there are those who are looking to break the homeless-cycle, and sometimes people just need a little direction and encouragement to do so; and this is what "Illumination House" is all about.
In a nutshell. My dream. My endeavor to alleviate the homeless situation....

Saturday, March 20, 2010


My advocate
My psychic
My therapist
My author
My magician
My guide
Through all the illusions
That would otherwise lie to me and make me weep
Tears of confusion and disillusion
Offering all that he can for me to get through them
And ultimately I will find my time.

As a writer and artist Timothy specializes in science-fiction fantasy, horror, and erotica. When the wind is right he also works on a little poetry from time to time. He is a published writer of the science-fiction fantasy novel, entitled “Pariah” EarlGoodwin/dp/1413713025
which is available at Currently he is in the process of trying to get two novels published: An Epic Fantasy, entitled, “Tears of the Le’igro” and the fantasy-horror novel, “Darkness Within". He has been interviewed by 1st Angel, and is recognized as an illustrator at “A Novel Idea”’s blogzine. Furthermore, he has received encouragement from Tor Science Fiction and Fantasy.

He's not unfamiliar with interviews on the radio, and always looks forward to the moments when they come his way.

Oprah hasn’t seem to take notice of him yet; although several friends have sent his story to her—Lady Goddess bless them all in their good intentions.

As one who specializes in creativity, he does a lot of work on table top modules for RPG gaming, including, but not limited to—full-length adventures and art-design. He has finished the Demo for Module A1 “Darkness Beyond”; which will allow players to explore his “Darkness” series in an RPG format for only $2.00!! The Demo is availabe in his store at Rendered Realities, along with a 500 page PDF of the entire novel, "Darkness Within", for $5.00!!

He has lived extensively throughout the US; including ten years in Alaska. He believes that all people’s belief-structures are valid, as long as they don’t interfere with the livlihood or belief-structure of another; obviously this incongruity makes it difficult for people to be friends. He doesn't think that peace is something that can be forced, only perceived, and he has a low tolerance for people who are mean. Sooooo, don’t be shy, drop him a line; everyone has a story to tell, and he would like to hear yours!!


Getting through insanity is the hardest valley that I have ever known. I know what it is like to be ignored, betrayed, forsaken; I know what it is like when cherished friends suddenly leave you—sometimes taking with them all the smiles and tears of joy that you have shared throughout the years, stealing them away when they go, and leaving you in desolation…

Getting through insanity takes work—like reaching for all the stars in the heavens and bringing them down to share with you—yet, I feel that I have walked into the Abyss of insanity for so long—ridden the Express Train through Hell countless times, that I know the landscape, and sometimes I can balance it all on the tip of a pen…

And again I step quietly and boldly into the Abyss of insanity; I was the only one who could do it at the time. I was the only one who could fight the Darkness, and The Darkness Beyond, so that I might return again quietly back Home…

I sometimes remember every little thing as if it happened only yesterday, and sometimes I too can see Paradise by the dashboard light; and this time we are the ones burning like the middle of the edge of a—but I quietly and boldly step into the Abyss of insanity, where the ghosts sometimes scream maniacally in the whispering winds of my mind…

In the Darkness now. In the Darkness and Beyond…

Hello, Darkness, my Old Friend, I have come to glean answers from you again; answers to set the world right once more, as you see that it is blinded itself to its own cruelty…and now I need some answers from you, so that the world might see again the way life was truly meant to be… But you know that I was just a Dreamer—you taught me that; you taught me how to do something out of this world, and now, I want to bring it back Home…

So remember me at Christmas or Halloween, those are the days I shine the brightest, and other days I find it serendipitous if I am just a glistening twinkle in your eye.

Oh—how I try…

But as we all know, all work and no play, makes me immune to sanity; and if that’s truly the world’s curse, then tell me, Darkness, how I can teach it to heal itself…does it really need me to show it how…?

Can it get along just fine without me?

If not, then it must pay heed to my words when they are so clear, otherwise they are all in vain; like raindrops falling gently on your window…you may never know…

I have to be up working, while the world sleeps…writing and fighting the world’s nightmares and her darkness, even while insane spirits hammer at the doors of my mind—trying to break in to steal away my time, where I am no help to anyone. I can hear them, I can see them, and they ARE the Devil’s curse…

I write and fight, that I may justifiably exorcise the world’s Demons and its nightmares, that she may sleep more peaceably. I am awake while the world sleeps, trying to find answers that elude me, so that I might in fact offer her a little salve to help with the healing; and all the while trying to inspire miracles; even while she fights me with her demons, nightmares, and illusions—trying to seduce and confuse me, so that I might lose my way back Home again, somewhere…in time.

NO ONE knows which way the coin will fall. However, I still know this: the answer still lies within your soul. But then again, it’s rather sad, because I have looked around, and sometimes I cannot seem to find, whatever is always rolling through my mind…

And I see the Big Wheels turning, and still I write, for the might of what I perceive to be right. Even while the world sleeps, I write, with a tear in my eye, never having wanted to say goodbye…

Now, do you think that you still need me?
I feel the pressure the same as you
Now let us see what we can do…

While the world sleeps, I write. And even though I may not be able to see—I can still feel; and sometimes that’s all I need to heal…

So trust me in your heart, I will do my part not to break yours; for I have felt the broken hearts of those living on the edge of the night…and I know how truly painful a heartache can be.

Which is why I came…
Now, do you still need me?

I have been through Hell the same as you
And although our Hell may not be the same
I can feel what it is that you are going through

I have seen the Darkness and Beyond the Darkness
I know my way through
I know where the sharks reside
And how to avoid them
And I can show you how to avoid them too
And if you need me to help you float your boat
On the Seas of Time’s Reflections
You need only offer your voice and your ear
For I will always be near
To help you steer your way beyond adversity and opposition
And help you find the path that is clear
For you to carry on…

I am your advocate
I am your psychic
I am your therapist
I am your artist
I am your author
I am your magician
And I will be your guide
Through all the illusions
That would otherwise lie to you and make you weep
Tears of confusion and disillusion
I offer all that I can for you to get through them
And ultimately you will find your way…in time.


Hello Darkness, my old friend, you came for me again.
To shadow my thoughts and darken my way.
Torment my dreams and bury my soul.
Every light I lit you would take control.
With your icy breath your darkness you would throw.
The harder I fought the stronger you got.
I kicked and screamed and kicked some more,
not sure I could or would even be able to win.
Where in life had I gone wrong?
What was my immense sin?
Was I deserving of this hell you were pulling me to?
Your only answer was that ghastly grin.
Then beyond the shadows of your darkness...
a stab of light did pierce your heart.
A light so bright it brought you down.
Someone holding a candle...
Someone stronger than you.
Someone who has been to the depths of your darkness,
knew right where I would be.
Knew right where you are happiest.
Helped me remember, helped me believe.
Reminded me I'm a survivor,
a fighter,
not one to lose all hope and cower to you.
Taking me by the hand, led me out and away from you.
I now hold this candle that was handed to me.
This is my life I must defend, you will never be able to win.
Try as you might I will never lose sight.
For your darkness can never blow out this light.
The harder you try the brighter it shines.
You won't win me over so say your goodbyes.
This candle was given with heartfelt care.
Its glow is stronger than your darkness... so just beware.
It will remain on the mantel of my soul to help guide my steps
through the journey of obstacles you throw my way.
You can't blow it out for it is here to stay.